Organic & Regenerative Agriculture Masterclass

Joel Salatin and Darren Doherty deliver a Masterclass in Son Felip

For the first time ever Joel Salatin and Darren J. Doherty, two of the leading experts in permaculture, organic farming and regenerative agriculture, came together to hold a three day Masterclass in Son Felip.

Internationally recognized as two of the parents of organic and regenerative farming, Joel and Darren illustrated their success stories such as in Joel's project, Polyface, a Salatin family-owned farm in Virginia (USA). Polyface is generally considered by the specialized press as one of the best agricultural estates on the planet.

More than 150 people from all over Europe participated in this exceptional event, learning techniques in practical and theoretical classes led by Joel and Darren. Participants had a chance to grow their network, connect with new clients, learn from and be inspired by the growing success stories in organic farming and regenerative agriculture.

At Son Felip and Algaiarens they saw a working example of an ecological agriculture project where many of the strategies and concepts from Salatin and Doherty are being developed. Their advise and support has been essential in the creation of the Son Felip and Algaiarens project to becoming a sustainable production model.

Son Felip and Algaiarens estate is proud to be part of a growing network of regenerative farms and the host for this event, organized in conjunction with Organic Managers and Diente de León.

Thank you to all those who attended or exhibited at the conference and helped make this such a success!

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